Discover The Different Parts of You: Ego States, Core Wound Healing, and Spiritual Awakening

blog series #9/11

The Inner Chatter: Exploring Your Internal Dialogue

Ever notice that constant chatter going on in your head? That's your internal dialogue – the conversations you have with yourself. We all have this internal chatter, and your inner dialogue can influence how you see yourself and the world around you.

This internal dialogue often comes from those sub-personalities, and ego states. Now, here's a game-changer: these sub-personalities aren't actually who you are. Your true self is your Higher Self – the essence of the Seven Soul Qualities and beyond. When you step into this understanding, it can be super transformative because once you understand and externalize these parts, you'll experience a sense of freedom from the constant mental chatter.

By embracing your Higher Self and recognizing the various sub-personalities as just various aspects of your being, you'll find yourself stepping into a place of greater clarity, empowerment, and inner peace.

How Ego States Manifest in Your Mind and Body

We all have different parts of our personalities that come into play in various situations. These sub-personalities or ego states, develop as we grow and experience life. They can be shaped by our relationships, life events, and even our deepest needs and fears- and especially are shaped by our core wounding.

A more in-depth blog was created on the topic of healing core wounds for those new to this series.

As a brief description, Core wounds are those deep-seated pains that come from past experiences, unmet needs, or unresolved emotions– often stemming from our inner child. To truly grow spiritually and emotionally, it's imperative to address and heal these wounds. Along the way, you'll discover a greater sense of wholeness, resiliency, and heightened spiritual growth. I introduced four core wounds in blog #1 of this series and once you discover your #1 core wound, I invite you to check out the subsequent blogs on how to heal that particular wound. Gathering a greater understanding of your inner parts system is part of that healing journey.

Now, here's something super important to note: these sub-personalities are often protectors for our core inner child wounds. By healing these wounds, these protector parts can let go of old, unhelpful roles that might be holding you back. Overall, getting to know these different parts of you is key to understanding your inner world and deepening self-awareness.

So, what do sub-personalities look and feel like? They can manifest as sensations in your body, thoughts, emotions, or specific patterns of behavior. For example, some common sub-personalities include the people-pleaser, the perfectionist, and the inner critic.

The people-pleaser part might show up as a knot in your stomach, a desire to make others happy, and difficulty saying "no."

The perfectionist part might manifest as a tense jaw, a need for control, and a fear of making mistakes.

The inner critic part could come through as negative self-talk, feelings of inadequacy, and a constant need for external validation.

Do any of these resonate? Either way, I encourage you to start a daily journal to track recurring thoughts, emotions, and sensations to see if you find any patterns that might help you uncover your subpersonalities.

As you get to know how your unique sub-personalities show up, it can help you navigate your emotional landscape and create a more harmonious relationship with yourself and along your spiritual awakening journey.

I invite you to create a journal of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors daily, then at the end of the week look back to see if there are any recurring themes- these are parts of you! Go ahead and give them a name, send them love, and see what they need if anything. As you develop this ongoing relationship with yourself, you’ll be ready to heal your core wound.

Core Wound Healing and Spiritual Awakening

When we work on healing those deep-seated emotional wounds and acknowledge the various aspects of our personality, we're essentially clearing out the clutter that's been blocking our view of who we are – our Higher Selves. It's like taking off the sunglasses that have been tinting our perception, allowing us to see the world and ourselves more clearly.

Our Higher Self is the embodiment of our divine qualities – the Seven Soul Qualities and beyond. By healing our core wounds and sub-personalities, we release the emotional baggage that's been weighing us down and step into the radiant light of our true nature.

As we nurture and heal ourselves, we begin to align with our Higher Self and embrace a life filled with love, compassion, and inner wisdom. We learn to listen to our intuition and trust in the divine guidance that's always there for us.

In essence, healing our core wounds and integrating our sub-personalities is a profound act of self-love that allows us to awaken to the magnificent beings we truly are.

Next Steps on Your Spiritual Awakening Journey

So, as we wrap up this exploration of our inner world, one last note getting to know your sub-personalities, being mindful of your internal chatter, and healing your core wounds are all key to stepping into the light of your divinity. Through the exploration of these aspects of yourself, you'll discover the beauty of your true nature and experience a life filled with love, compassion, and inner wisdom.

Next Steps on Your Core Wound Healing Journey

I would love to hear about your experiences, which subpersonality do you notice showing up the most?

Please do share in the comments below!

Stay tuned for the next blog post in this series, where I will guide you through the Akashic Records and the Akashic Core Wound Healing method. We are about to take a deep dive into the nuances of the healing and awakening adventure. I hope that you will discover more of who you are, and leave behind what no longer aligns with the highest vibration of your Soul. Sending so much love to you!

Also quick note: I have a new book coming out this year that provides the full map for your core wound healing journey, all in one place with exercises and guidance to help you make momentum forward on your core wound healing path. I invite you to click this link below to join the book interest list, to be the first to receive exciting goodies alongside the book, as well as when the release date is:


Trauma expert, best-selling and award-winning author

The Akashic Core Wound Healing Method For Deep Healing


Navigating Your Spiritual Awakening Journey: The Five Phases